Ive done beat every map. Beat the story, gold on every single map including the bonuse maps, set a high score on timed mode. Please add a expansion update i love this game im just bored of it now. Add new stuff please
Ive done beat every map. Beat the story, gold on every single map including the bonuse maps, set a high score on timed mode. Please add a expansion update i love this game im just bored of it now. Add new stuff please
It works perfect and the tricks look so cool!!
Really addicting!
This game is so much fun and it so hard cause of the grinding on hard mode
Really awesome game that lets you in different courses and a different variety of tricks. 100% Awesome
...... The game itself is really fun to play really challenging with the controller both really worth it.
I got this for a bmx game and i really like the tricks and graphics.i thought it would have hard controls but it doesnt
I like it when he dies and his head falls off.
This game is awesome! I definitely recommend downloading it.
This game is soooo addicting
Love it you really can enjoy the fact that its almost close to pump bmx but cheaper
It Is my favorite game
There is a big glitch that no matter how many times I do a trick it will not count and l cant move on.